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Dogs, Cats, or Both? Which Choice Is Right for You?
Dogs vs Cats
They say a dog is a man's best friend, but what about the other four-legged furry animal? Whether it's dogs or cats, a beloved pet boosts endorphins in your body that makes you happier.
So you’re tired of sitting at home every night, and you have some extra room in your heart for a furry friend, someone to watch movies with, show off on your social media accounts, and become your new best buddy. How do you decide which animal is right for you? Here are some tips on deciding what kind of animal will be the paw-sitively perfect addition to your family.
Dogs, the More Sociable of the Two
Dogs need to be walked—a lot. If going outside and constant exercise are something you'd be into, you've found your answer.
Because all dogs are cute, no matter the age, size, or type, it's safe to say your weekly visits to the dog park will spark some kind of interaction with other dog owners—this could be a plus if you like to meet new people. Impromptu friendships can spring up anywhere with your curious new puppy, who also makes a great wingman. One thing you should consider is this: dogs are usually a lot more work than cats. Keep that in mind when making your decision.
If you believe owning a dog is for you, you can read up on the most popular dog breeds of this year and find any that stick out to you. The list of breeds taken from the American Kennel Club (AKC) includes the personality of each dog breed, as well as the life span.
If you’re not too thrilled with your dog options, you can, instead, consider owning a cat. Hopefully, that sounds more your speed.
Cats, a Whole Different Ball Game
It takes a certain type of person to appreciate a cat. Cats are superior to humans after all, and if you don't agree, don't try telling a cat about it! Like dogs, cats have their own unique personalities, and when you find the right one, you'll know it. Cats have a great way of picking out their furever home, and you'll know instantly which kitty is right for you. Although a cat might not expand your social circle in the real world, except for those few who enjoy walking on a leash, they absolutely rule the internet! There are millions of website pages dedicated solely to sharing the daily trials and tribulations of cats, and cat people love reading about other cat people. Maybe you can find your niche of fellow cat lovers.
Something to consider with cats is they generally live longer than dogs. To be a cat owner, you have to be in for the long-haul commitment. Cats are cool because they’re kind of weird in the best possible way. They have quirks, and they act differently depending on the day, but that makes them so special. Cats are also pretty independent, so if you are someone who appreciates that kind of low maintenance, sounds like you're ready right meow to go get yourself a cat.
Winston Churchill was pretty spot on when he said, "Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us." Both kinds of animals have their own personality traits, but that's what makes them so special. When deciding on one or the other, think about your own personality. People usually prefer pets that behave in a way that compliments their own personalities, but who says you have to decide at all?
Another Option: Have Both
There are those super cute pictures of dogs and cats being best friends. Who knows, you might need both to complete your family. Regardless of the type of four-legged friend you decide to add to your family, any pet can make the greatest addition. However, you need to make sure you are absolutely ready to unconditionally love another creature. Knowing if you are ready for a pet and accepting when you're not are both completely acceptable decisions. It’s all up to you.
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Check out our custom products made just for pet lovers who love celebrating their pets. Show off your dog or cat in over 100 different ways. We make custom portraits of your pet in 4 fun different art types like pop art pet portraits, royal influenced pet art, and modern art styles.
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