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16 Custom Pet Portrait Gift Ideas for Animal Lovers in 2021 April 25, 2021
5 of the Weirdest Pet Products People Actually Buy on the Internet April 24, 2021
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5 of the Weirdest Pet Products People Actually Buy on the Internet
5 Weird pet products people actually buy
There’s no denying that people love their pets. A lot. There’s also no denying that some of us spoil our pets a little too much, and why not? They bring joy into our lives. They provide many beautiful years of companionship and love. The least we can do in return is give them a luxurious and happy life.
Although it’s nice to indulge our pets with lovely gifts, like a custom dog bed with their adorable faces printed behind a vibrant pattern or a custom beach towel on which they can sprawl over an image of themselves, some pet products are simply flat out weird. And, surprisingly enough, despite their weirdness, people actually buy these things. Here’s the list.
All-Natural Wine for Cats
Just because you get crunk with your friends over the weekends doesn’t mean Mr. Fluffy can’t indulge the way you do too. Don’t you think it’s unfair that while you and your friends take tequila shots on your coffee table Mr. Fluffy just sits alone in his cat tower, judging each and every one of you?
Catbernet allows your cat to join in on the fun. Made of all-natural ingredients, including catnip and peppermint, Catbernet was designed to delight your cat. Apparently, it helps improve his breath, too!
You can get your cat wine here
Delicious Beer for Dogs
What? Did you honestly believe only cats get to have all the fun? While cats have their wines, dogs have their beers. Yes, you can finally drink with man’s best friend. Busch Beer, yes, the very well known beer company, also makes a beer for dogs. It's an all-natural product and contains only fresh ingredients. Busch dog brew is made with vegetables, herbs, spices, water, and pork broth to provide your best drinking buddy with a nutritious and tasty snack that helps to promote a health digestive system. Don’t worry, there’s no alcohol, hops, and carbonation in this dog beer. So crack yourself a cold one (you can drink busch dog brew too), grab your custom koozie by Pop Your Pup and share a Busch dog beer with your best friend
Check it out here
Spray to Freeze Dog Poop
Picking up your dog’s poop is already unpleasant enough. Picking up wet dog poop is especially distressing. Luckily, Poop Freeze exists to relieve you of any distress while cleaning up after your pet’s stinky present. According to the Amazon listing page, this product is non-flammable. It cools surfaces down to 65 degrees Farenheight.
Bag for Catching Dog Waste
Why pick up dog waste when you don’t have to? The Poo Trap is a device that you attach to your dog’s body. A clip attached to a plastic bag hovers over the dog’s derriere, ready to catch any waste the dog deposits. After your dog has finished going to the bathroom, you can detach the bag from the ring and it throw away. That’s it! You really have to see this one to believe it.
Check it out here
Fake Cat Tongue for Licking
It’s natural to want to bond with your cat. The PETCYY Cat Brush takes bonding to the next level. Don’t let the scary torture-device appearance of the product frighten you. The spikes are meant to caress the cat, and the protruding flap on top is meant for you to bite with your teeth to hold. With this product, you can pretend to be a cat licking your cat. Thanks to this product, there’s a new and better way you can spend your Friday nights.
Get yours here
Vibrant Nail Polish for Dogs
You work so hard to look fabulous. It only makes sense to hold your pet to the same standards, right? Check out this company that sells vibrant nail polish for dogs. Selections come in six bright colors - pink, purple, red, gold, blue, silver for your furbaby. The company promises long lasting wear: The polishes are water and chip resistant!
You know you want this, get it here
If while reading this you thought to yourself "Wow, this can't be real..." trust us, we definitely thought the same. There are numerous products for pets, and admittedly, some are stranger than others. But whatever floats your boat, right?
P.S. if you have to freeze your dogs poop before picking it up, we strongly suggest reconsidering pet ownership lol
Are you a pet lover?
Check out our custom products made just for pet lovers who love celebrating their pets. Show off your dog or cat in over 100 different ways. We make custom portraits of your pet in 4 fun different art types like pop art pet portraits, royal influenced pet art, and modern art styles.
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We are proud to be the worlds first to revolutionize the world of custom pet art. Since 2013 we have served over 200,000 pet lovers like you! Let's make it 200,001!