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Pet Portraits since 2013
Welcome to Pop Your Pup, the Original Pet art company. Since 2013 we have been making custom pet portraits and printing them on all kinds of goodies.
We have one goal at Pop Your Pup, and that's to CELEBRATE YOUR PET!
7 Essential Dog Products You Didn't Think to Buy
When you think of dog products, you likely think of items like leashes, collars, food bowls—the basic stuff. But as a pet owner, you need more than just the basics. You need products that will not only make your job easier but also products that ensure the happiness and comfort of your pet. Before you check off your shopping list, dust off your hands, and call it a day, double check that you purchased the following essential dog products.
Pill Pockets
Like children, dogs are susceptible to sickness. And like children, they aren’t fond of eating nasty pills. Rather than forcing medicine down your dog’s throat, save yourself and your pup the traumatic experience by purchasing pill pockets. These nifty little treats contain a hollow center in which you can insert your dog’s medicine. Your dog will scarf down the treat, along with the pill you snuck in—easy!
Water Bottle for Dogs
After a long session of chasing squirrels, performing tricks for treats, and playing tag with other dogs, your pet will need a good gulp of water. Rather than lugging a water bottle and a bowl with you, purchase a water bottle for dogs, which is a hybrid of both products. A dog water bottle is a container that is attached to a small, hollow bowl from where dogs and easily drink. It’s portable, safe, and easy to use.
Dog Treats
When you envision your life as a dog owner, you likely don’t envision your puppy wreaking havoc in your home, tearing up furniture, soiling your carpets, and running out of the house as soon as the front door opens.
As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to train your dog so it behaves well at home, in public, and around strangers. A highly recommended training method is positive reinforcement, in which you reward your dog whenever it obeys commands or displays good behavior. Dog treats are a great way to give positive reinforcement. When your dog is being a good boy, give him a treat!
Denta Stix
Dogs that are affectionate love to give kisses. They will kiss your hand, your face, and sometimes–much to the delight of some and the revulsion of others—your mouth. But who wants to kiss the mouth of a dog with a bad case of halitosis?
Denta Stix is a product clinically proven to reduce your dog’s plaque and tartar buildup. With those two nasty things gone, so will your dog’s bad breath. Denta Stix are an especially suitable alternative to toothbrush and toothpaste. Not all dogs are keen on getting their teeth brushed.
Nail Clippers
Much like humans, dogs need to have trimmed nails. Untrimmed nails can cut skin, rip furniture, and even cause pain and injury to your dog. If you want to skip the trip to the groomer, saving yourself a few extra bucks, try trimming your dog’s nails. All you need is a sharp pair of nail clippers, and you’re good to go.
Stain and Odor Remover
It’s inevitable—if you bring home a dog that isn’t yet potty trained, your dog will soil your carpet. The smell of waste and urine can linger and permeate your entire your home. To avoid unpleasant smells assaulting your home, purchase a stain and odor remover. Having this product handy will keep your carpets clean and your home smelling fresh.
Waste-Bag Dispenser Clip
There’s nothing more mortifying than forgetting waste bags during your walk with your dog. As soon as your dog deposits its smelly present, you’re in trouble: certainly you can’t pick it up with your bare hands and certainly you can’t leave it there on the sidewalk for a poor, unsuspecting victim to step on.
Are you a pet lover?
Check out our custom products made just for pet lovers who love celebrating their pets. Show off your dog or cat in over 100 different ways. We make custom portraits of your pet in 4 fun different art types like pop art pet portraits, royal influenced pet art, and modern art styles.
Over 200,000 Pet lovers served
We are proud to be the worlds first to revolutionize the world of custom pet art. Since 2013 we have served over 200,000 pet lovers like you! Let's make it 200,001!