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Pet Portraits since 2013
Welcome to Pop Your Pup, the Original Pet art company. Since 2013 we have been making custom pet portraits and printing them on all kinds of goodies.
We have one goal at Pop Your Pup, and that's to CELEBRATE YOUR PET!
Are You Ready for a Pet? Heed These Signs
Are you sure you're ready?!
For some time now, you’ve entertained the idea of bringing a pet into your life. Actually, you don’t just entertain the idea. You fantasize about it. Driving through your neighborhood, you often picture yourself one day going for a jog with your dog. Scrolling through pet videos on Instagram, you daydream of the day when you, too, would be able to teach your cat cool tricks.
But how do you know your feelings are permanent? How do you know your passion for pets is not merely a fleeting phase? Are you truly ready for the big role of pet parent? Here’s how you can tell.
Seeing People with Pets Makes You Emotional
Often, when you see people out and about with their pets, your eyes well with tears. Your eyes water because you long to have the same bond as the people you see with their pets. You feel emotional because you, too, want to know what it’s like to hold a pet in your arms, give it treats, and call it a “good doggo.”
You’re Good at Time Management
As our parents once warned us when we were children, owning a pet requires a lot of responsibility. It would not be prudent to bring a pet into your life if you are not yet ready for the responsibilities that come with being a full-time pet parent, especially if you’re also a full-time employee working a regular nine-to-five.
To determine whether you’re ready for a pet, consider how well you manage your time. Do you often work late? Are you often away from home when you’re not at work? For example, do you often spend most of your days out of town or at a partner’s place? Are your weekends usually booked to the brim?
If you have time freed in your schedule, for example, you usually stay at home after work or during the weekend, then you’re good to have a pet in your life.
You’re Financially Stable
A pet is like a child: you take it regularly to the vet, you pay for its insurance, you save a little money for the damages it wreaks on your living room, you pay for its food, medicine, toys, and, maybe, clothing (if you’re that type of pet parent). Thus, before you get a pet, you must first consider your financial situation. That is, you must be able to afford one. Before getting a pet, check your monthly spending against your monthly wages. Then calculate the costs of having a pet (food, insurance, toys, etc.). If it looks like you can afford the expenses, then go ahead. Get a pet!
Your Have the Right Living Situation
Is your home suitable for your pet? This is especially important if you’re planning to get a big pet with a lot of energy, like a husky or a boxer. Consider the type of pet you want to get. If a big, active dog, then you need a larger space with, perhaps, a backyard where the dog can run and play. If you’re getting a loud little chihuahua, then an apartment complex with paper thin walls won’t be the ideal living space. Also, keep in mind that not all places accept pets, so know that moving around may be difficult.
Are you a pet lover?
Check out our custom products made just for pet lovers who love celebrating their pets. Show off your dog or cat in over 100 different ways. We make custom portraits of your pet in 4 fun different art types like pop art pet portraits, royal influenced pet art, and modern art styles.
Over 200,000 Pet lovers served
We are proud to be the worlds first to revolutionize the world of custom pet art. Since 2013 we have served over 200,000 pet lovers like you! Let's make it 200,001!