• 7 Essential Dog Products You Didn't Think to Buy

    7 Essential Dog Products You Didn't Think to Buy

    When you think of dog products, you likely think of items like leashes, collars, food bowls—the basic stuff. But as a pet owner, you need more than just the basics. You need products that will not only make your job easier but also products that ensure the happiness and comfort of your pet. Before you check off your shopping list, dust off your hands,...
  • Some things to keep in mind for a healthy raw diet

    Some things to keep in mind for a healthy raw diet

    Taking the leap from a concentrated diet to raw can be scary, mainly because there are so many factors to consider. Like everything in life there are advantages and disadvantages. We get it, we understand, and we have some solutions to your worries. Let’s get through them so that you can chill more! Impacted bones & fractured teeth: Sometimes fragments of bones can get...
  • What does a raw diet consist of?

    What does a raw diet consist of?

    A raw dog diet must always have: Calcium: 12% - 15% bone Ex: chicken wings, necks, legs, or thighs Multi-Vitamins: 10% - 30% Organs are the nutrient-rich parts of the animal which provide most of the vitamins for your dog to be healthy Ex: liver, kidney, spleen, testicles Foundation: Once you have chosen your meaty bones and organs, the rest of the diet should...
  • Raw Diet – What is a Raw Diet for Pups?

    Raw Diet – What is a Raw Diet for Pups?

    At home, your pup sits patiently in front of his bowl while you unpack the bag with a rustic outdoorsy label on the front and an over-sized winning blue ribbon up top. He wags his tail with a smile on his face. Oh those goo goo eyes get you every time. This is it! This bag of pebbly substance is for sure going to...
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